As it hold not much balls, I cutted off the bottom of a "premium nursery pot", I think a 15 gallons and it fit perfectly ! Hold easily 120 balls ! Pic with balls have 130 balls :-)
Comme il ne retient peu de balles, j'ai coupé le fond d'un pot de fleurs, je crois c'est un 15 gallons et ça fait parfaitement ! Peut contenir 120 balles facilement ! Photo avec les balles, il y en a 130 balles :-)
Have tried many paddles over the last year, Selkirk Luxx S2, Joola Hyperion CAS 16, Owl Founders, Blue Owl. This is my favorite. Nice control, good power. Like the shape.
Pickleball superstore is great, bought a few items here including shoes.
High manoeuvrability with controllable pop and power. Very satisfying at the kitchen. Sweet spot is small even with perimeter weighting so it will take some time to dial in and it is noticeably smaller than on the 14.3mm. However, I prefer the feel of this 12.7 which is a more linear response even though it offers less stability. It is currently my main, great paddle!
I'm an intermediate player who has tried quite a few paddles, and initially bought a high-end power paddle that I couldn't for the life of me control or finesse the ball with. I tried this one courtesy of another player, and bought my own. Very large sweet spot, very good power and excellent control. The slightly more robust handle circumference is not an issue.
The bag is lightweight and very compact. There are enough compartments to store all essentials with some extras for pickleballers. The bag also looks very stylish. The material repels snow and dirt.
The cover is quality. It covers the entire paddle including handle and provides great protection. I had to use a different bag as the case with the paddle in it takes up more space.
Lightweight, provides great control and generates more power than it is given credit for. My game feels more controlled and consistent with this paddle. The sweet spot seems longer and thinner for this elongated paddle than my old conventional one and so it took a little time to get use to it, but it was well worth it. I love it!